The Enterprise Europe Network South West (EENSW) is providing SMEs in Swindon and Wiltshire with the opportunity to find international partners and develop new business opportunities.
Established and funded by the European Union, the Enterprise Europe Network is the largest SME support organisation in the world. They help SMEs, Universities and research organisations to work collaboratively in order to succeed.
The network offers a comprehensive range of services to support SMEs, providing tailor made solutions at any stage of their life cycle. The services on offer include:
- Enquiry Service – Providing information and practical advice on market opportunities, European legislation and policies and EU programmes relevant to a company or sector.
- Partner Search – Helping SMEs to find suitable business partners using our business and technology cooperation database, and providing information on tender opportunities and international networking.
- Applying for Research Funding – Helping SMEs to share research results, participate in research programmes and apply for funding, particularly from the EU’s Seventh Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development (FP7).
- Feedback to the European Commission – Through a consultation and feedback service, businesses can become involved in the European policy making process. The EENSW helps companies tackle regulatory barriers when doing business abroad and bring any issues to the European Commission’s attention.
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