New digital marketing workshops for SMEs

By Anita Jaynes on 29 July, 2019

The Business Exchange has teamed up with digital marketing company Varn, to host a series of training courses aimed at SMEs.

The courses have been designed and will be delivered by experts with years of experience in analysing and optimising websites, as well as running successful search marketing and paid advertising campaigns for clients. 

Tom Vaughton, managing director, Varn, said, “We want to empower SMEs by providing them with the knowledge they need to ensure their digital offering is working hard for them. Companies often come to us with queries that with a bit of knowledge they could solve themselves. By investing in one of these courses and learning the basics, businesses can make their resources go further, allowing them to achieve more with their marketing budget.”

Director of The Business Exchange, Anita Jaynes, added, “With increasingly tight marketing budgets, people are doing as much as they can in-house to ensure there is enough money in the coffers for a diverse range of marketing activity. Upskilling is a great way of investing in the future, saving you money over time and giving you a better understanding of what works in terms of engaging clients, prospects and generating sales.

“We have worked with Tom and the team at Varn for several years and have the same ethics. We’re both passionate about helping businesses grow and providing affordable, effective marketing solutions that deliver results.”

The first workshop in the series is an ‘Introduction to Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)’. It will provide you with an understanding of the fundamental search engine optimisation elements required to improve the performance of your website on Google and other search engines. 

Varn has over 15 years’ experience in digital marketing and how to make websites perform better. Tom added, “We believe in transparency and want to give you the knowledge required to succeed in this challenging market place. 

“To ensure that you get the most out of the training we have limited it to 8 places per session, so reserve your space today to avoid disappointment.”

What you will learn:

  • The SEO essentials needed to ensure your site is search engine friendly – which means crawlable and indexable.
  • Insights into how Google sees your website vs. potential customers and why this is so important.
  • Which of the latest Google Algorithm updates are the most important and how they affect where a site is ranked.

What you get:

  • 3 hours of hands-on training by Technical SEO experts
  • Useful hints & tips to take away and implement
  • Refreshments

Cost: £250+VAT

The training courses will be held at Varn’s office, The Old Brewery, Bradford on Avon.

To find out more and to book call: 01225 562600  email:  or visit: