Learn to pitch your ideas and raise up to £2m at Pitchfest

By Nick Batten on 9 August, 2019

Enterprise Europe Network (EEN), in partnership with Innovate UK, is to deliver Pitchfest South West, a programme that invites companies in Swindon to pitch to investors for funds ranging between £150,000-£2m.

The ‘Dragons’ Den’ style programme is supported by the Knowledge Transfer Network (KTN) and offers intensive investment and pitch training to scaling businesses – preparing them to pitch ‘live’ to an audience of real investors.

Ed Tellwright, EEN Finance Specialist, said, “Pitchfest really is the business opportunity of a lifetime for companies in Swindon to pitch for financial support to private investors who will be investing their own personal funds.

“The investors we have gathered together for Pitchfest in the South West are high-net-worth individuals who have generally owned or run businesses in the past.

“These investors don’t just want to invest their money alone. They want to give something back to the local community and they will probably be able to open business doors for the firms they support.”

Companies will be interviewed before being selected to attend pitch training days in early September.

Places are limited to 20 companies from which 10 businesses from the South West will be selected to pitch at two investor showcases in Bristol and Exeter during October.

Ed added, “The financial support from the investors is designed to take a company’s idea or product and commercialise it successfully.”

Deadline for applications is Friday 16th August 2019. There are no charges associated with the Pitchfest programme and it is free to enter.

For more information on the free entry and dates for Pitchfest visit pitchfestsw2019.eventbrite.co.uk or email Ed Tellwright ed.tellwright@businesswest.co.uk