Corsham Business Show this Wednesday

By Anita Jaynes on 19 March, 2018

The Corsham Business Show is fast becoming Wiltshire’s ‘go to’ corporate event for businesses and organisations looking to grow their business.

Taking place this Wednesday 21st March at the Springfield Community Campus, the free networking event has more than 50 exhibitors who are looking to showcase their products and services and has already attracted more than 100 visitors to pre-register for the event.

President of the Corsham Chamber of Commerce and MD of SMARTech energy Ltd, Stuart Pearce said: “The Corsham Business Show is a forum to connect and engage with other progressive businesses. It’s the perfect networking opportunity for those who are looking to learn from our small business speakers and experts.”

Stuart continued: “The show’s innovative speakers and workshops reflect the diversity of the industry in the local area and the discussion points are set to give invaluable insight into the newest trends and opportunities available to businesses.”

Two key speakers who have both fought it out on the BBC’s Dragon’s Den are Founder and CEO of Melksham-based GripIt Fixings, Jordan Daykin and Rob Law MBE, founder and CEO of Trunki, the brand behind the much-loved ride-on suitcase for tots.

E-Commerce and Digital and Innovation Specialist, Andy Poulton is holding a talk on ‘How well is your website working’ Andy has helped thousands of businesses embrace digital marketing opportunities presented by the internet and World Wide Web and also keeps his ear to the (virtual) ground, constantly listening and looking for new ways that businesses can use the internet to differentiate themselves from their competition and to raise awareness and promote their products and services.

Dave Jarman, Teaching Fellow in Entrepreneurship at the University of Bristol Centre for Innovation & Entrepreneurship is a self-employed Innovation Consultant and Entrepreneurial Educator. Dave will be hosting a workshop titled ‘Innovating your Business Model’, explaining how every and any part of your existing business can be harnessed to develop the next, more innovative, more effective, version of your business. In addition, he will use insights based on the Business Model Canvas and Value Proposition Design Canvas to provide delegates with some serious food for thought and some practical tools to take away.

In the second workshop, award-winning business performance coach Gail Gibson enables micro and small businesses, through the teaching of effective tools, techniques and strategies, to discover ways to perform at their personal best, to make their dreams happen in life and business. Development of a Can Do or growth mindset is key to Gail’s coaching success. Through her coaching programmes Gail’s aim is to encourage a shift in thinking, with a key focus on accountability for sustained growth, which empowers businesses to be brave, bold and remarkable.

Workshop three is titled ‘Managing & Thriving at work’ and is being hosted by former British Army Officer, Rob Hart. Rob received formal management and leadership training at The Royal Military Academy, Sandhurst, and subsequently served for seven years as an Army Officer. After leaving the forces in 2005, Rob then worked in a number of management disciplines with the United Nations, Government, corporate and small businesses and start-ups. Rob now shares his experience with others. He is a confident and competent all-round manager, with extensive training and experience of management and leadership in various environments.

Specialisms include operations, strategy, projects / programmes, systems and process, risk, change management, resources, capability, teams and staff.

To reserve a seat at these talks and workshops, visit the show’s website

To book your FREE Visitor ticket click here.