Award recognition for hardworking Swindon care staff

By Anita Jaynes on 4 September, 2019

A flurry of awards have been given to members of the team at Bluebird Care Swindon to mark their long-service and dedication to their caring role.

More than 30 carers were given long-service awards from Bluebird Care Swindon’s Managing Director Ben Curtis, including seven in the team who have been with the company for more than seven years.

Three also received special awards for outstanding service and customer care, as well as giving extensive support to the central office team, based in the company’s headquarters at Groundwell.

Bluebird Care Swindon provides care at home, to enable its customers – mainly elderly people or adults with disabilities – to be able to remain living in their own homes.

Ben said, “It is a real pleasure to hold an annual award ceremony every year, to say thank you to all our carers and central office staff, and to say a special thank you to those who have shown exceptional levels of customer care.

“I am very proud of the team and all they do for our customers in and around Swindon. It is thanks to them that we have such an excellent reputation as a provider of good, old-fashioned care at home.”

Ben and Operations Director Katrina Simms are currently recruiting to expand their team, and are looking for people who are passionate about caring for others. No prior experience is necessary, as full training is provided.

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Pictured above: The Bluebird Care Swindon team